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First-first post

The real catch

To be honest, I don't know what I am doing! I have been an audio engineer enthusiast and I have always been interested in the field of music production and more specifically in the art of mastering audio content. I decided to create this blog to share my experiences as I learn and to share my thoughts about the field.

This blog is going to be a mix of articles about audio mastering, web development (explaining how Minimastering is running) and, a little bit of business management as I attempt to make my hobby somehow profitable.

I am a strong believer that sharing is the best way to learn and to improve and also the best way to give back to the community and the world. This is my humble way of doing it. I hope it can be of some use to you!

ミニマスタリング (aka Minimasutaringu - aka MiniMastering)

When I started to learn a little bit of Japanese, it was amazing for me to discover that the Japanese language does not have words that end in consonants. While I keep collecting Japanese-made synthesizers, I also discover the love that Japanese engineers have put into their sound machines and consequently, into the world. Every little detail is a wonder to my eyes, ears, and heart.

I am not necessarily obsessed with Japan and Japanese culture (although I have profound respect for every culture in the world) but I do share the love for details, especially for audio material and the quest to achieve perfection through relentless iteration.

The adventure documented in this blog is going to be a journey into the pursuit of that love while trying to keep humble during the process of discovery.

Published on: 2020-09-01 in:


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